CHESS PLAYING 24-HOURS @ YISS Basketball Court area!
If you don't know how to play, an administrative fee of a hundred dollars is needed, and we will teach you how to play and be pro!
Never go bored with chest!chairs!chess!
Terms & Condition not applied,
play at your own risk, don't cry if you lose.
And homework area.
As stated by Emily already. 3.3, 3.4, 3.5.
3.3 q1b d f h j, 2b d f h j, 3c d g i j
3.4 q1, 2, 3, 4
3.5 q1, 2c d e g
Band 1 Chinese:
The 心情小书 during the holidays. (roughly translated- feelings book)
As stated by Emily again. 5 products which helps the elderlies.
Pictures must be printed out, and along with the Advantage, Disadvantage and how it can be improved on.
And small reminders:
- Get small props ready for Literature, along with memorizing your scripts! It's in CA.
- Study History on Chapter 8, life during the war in Singapore.
- English, learn how to write in explanation form, using the features Ms. P taught us.
- Pass up your Biology homework assessment, on finding the digestive system's diseases to Ms Lim asap. Remember to credit, and learn about the atoms and how the four layers should contain how many protons blah blah blah.
- Physics, learn Chapter 8 about how light travels in a straight line and so.
- Art, get your ideas on the clay and try to do it fast and well the next lesson!
- Home & Ec, cook well on your lesson, coz I have no idea what reminders I need to give. o.O
And I think that's about it.
Happy belated to Shahir and Boonkeat,
and a Happy birthday in advanced to Jason tomorrow. :D
Upcoming birthday: MY DOG'S!!!!!! AT 12TH APRIL
Upcoming events: Sports day, this friday, 28th. Run well!
Anual Awards Ceremony, next friday, 4th April. Hoho to Shahir and Emily, EMCEES.
SYF, 12th April. Hoho to Fathih and Shukri and me, lol, wish band good luck.
And so on, and forth.
Have a great day. :D